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Family Picture


California Dreamin' Final Chapter.../カリフォルニア夢紀行ファイナルチャプター...

So Sunday we left early to worship with the Stuebaker Road Church of Christ in Long Beach which was a nice congregation of about 200 and Madison quickly made friends in the nursery. After Church we headed further from Downtown to Belmont Shore, a section filled with older duplex type apartments which was similar to the type we had just left in NYC and weren’t that anxious to get back into so although we were telling ourselves we could do it, we were still disappointed.

Finally, Monday, our final day in California came and we headed back to Long Beach for my interview at Poly High. The students were definitely severely disabled with most being non-verbal and needing diaper changes throughout the day…it was something I have never been trained for and wasn’t sure I could or wanted to do. So we left there pretty discouraged as we thought that was the only interview I would have, but Anna encouraged me to call the district lady again and when I did she said she had also told one other school about me and they had position that were much more similar to what I had done at my previous school so 15 minutes after hanging up the phone I got a call asking if I could interview at Jordan High School…heck yeah…I wanted to say, so we played in the water of Long Beach for an hour and then headed to North Long Beach…actually higher than Torrance for my interview. The school turned out to have many similar needs to my school in Brooklyn which I think the principal appreciated. I felt much better about the interview and she explained that she had more interviews on Tuesday, but then Tuesday afternoon she would give her report to the district and then they would contact me either way, so that is where we are at…Wednesday or Thursday I should hear something, the same place it seems I have been all summer…waiting to hear something, but I have a good feeling about this one and if it doesn’t work out then the district keeps referring my name and hopefully principals will be open to doing phone interviews...
カリフォルニアでの最後の日、またロングビーチに戻ってポリー高校の校長先生と面接です。そこで働く事になったら僕の生徒達は相当身体障害のあ る子達になるみたい。言葉がうまくしゃべれない子がほとんどでその中にも一日中オムツ替えが必要な子もいるらしい…僕がニューヨークで教えて いた子達よりも遥かに難しい身体障害を抱えた子達で、実際自分でも出来るのかやりたいのかと自分に問いかけていました。面接はうまくいったんだけど仕事内 容にガッカリでこれで面接全部終わりなんだなーと思っていた時に、アンナがもう一度学校区の担当の人に電話をしてみたらって。そしたら、先週僕を推薦した 学校は2件あってそのもう1っ件はまだ面接の返事が来ていないらしい…しかもその学校が探している先生の仕事内容は今までのブルックリンの生徒達と同じ学 習障害を持っている子達だって。残念!でも電話を切って15分後にその学校から電話があって午後に面接したいって!やった〜!それから海辺で1時間ぐらい 遊んでロングビーチの北にあるジョーダン高校へ出発…この学校はブルックリンの学校と生徒たちの生活環境が全く同じ、ほとんどの状況が同じという事。校長 先生も僕がそういう学校や生徒達と渡り合っていたのが気に入ってくれたらしく面接はとてもうまくいきました。明日もう一人の先生候補と面接があるから返事 はその後という事だったからまたここ2ヶ月して来た事(ひたすら待つ)をしなきゃいけないんだけど、何処かの学校が仕事をくれると信じて待つつもりです。電話で面接してくれる校長先生がいればいいんだけど…


California Dreamin' Part 3.../カリフォルニア夢紀行パート3...

Friday, our first interview-less day we headed to visit Pepperdine University, a Church of Christ affiliated school that is situated on some cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Malibu…very pretty and very expensive. It was about as cold as it ever gets we were told at Pepperdine that day so we visited the bookstore and picked Madison up a sweatshirt:-) We purposely got her 18 month size so she can use it for a long time... Look how cute she looks! We are hoping she will get a full scholarship to go here in 18 years...;-) After the visit we hit the pool in the hotel for our afternoon enjoyment.

金曜日は、面接無しの自由に行動出来る日だったのでマリブの崖の上にある僕たちの教会で関連しているペッパーダインユニバーシティへ行ってみる事に... とっても綺麗でとっても学費が高い大学。ちょうど行った日は曇りでとても綺麗と有名な景色は見れなかったけど、坂道だらけの大学を歩き回って学校の美術館 に入ったり楽しみました。やっぱり標高がこれだけ高いと曇りの日は結構寒いので記念にマディソン用のトレーナーを買ったんだけど、かわいいでしょ?大学見 学の後は日本食屋さんでお昼を食べて早めにホテルに帰りプールに入ってのんびりする事が出来ました。

Saturday we headed back to Long Beach after not having much success finding any places we liked in Torrance on Thursday.. Our first stop was downtown Long Beach which has beautiful apartments with pools and exercise rooms situated about four blocks from the beach. We were pretty excited about the places so we decided to head down the Pacific Coast Highway to Huntington Beach for our daily beach visit. At Huntington Beach we were all blown away by the waves and the coldness of the water…the combination of the two kept us all watching the surfers and even Madison happily played on our blanket for over an hour. As we sat at Huntington Beach Anna smartly got to reading reviews of the different places we looked at and did not like what she read…some reviews explained that gangs and homeless people frequented the area and it wasn’t that safe after 10pm, so we were discouraged, but thought we should look elsewhere.


Carifornia Dreamin' Part 2.../カリフォルニア夢紀行パート2...

So Thursday came and we hit the road extra early for my 10am interview in Long Beach because Long Beach is 20 minutes south of L.A. and we didn't want to take any chances with that traffic. We made it down easily enough that we had time for breakfast at a local eatery before going over to the interview...the Long Beach interview also went well and I was told there were a couple openings right now that the Special Education Coordinator would refer my name out for and hopefully the schools would call me and I would call me and I would interview with the principal... in the California Districts you first interview with the District and they decided if you are qualified and then in Long Beach they send your name to each school with openings and the school contacts you for an interview, then if the school likes you best they tell the District and the District will contact him/her with a job offer...quite the Thursday afternoon I got a call from a 563 area code(Long Beach!) and on the other end was the secretary for Polytechnic High School to ask me if I wanted to interview for a MS position. MS in California is there acronym for I said sure even though I really don't have experience working with students with severe disabilities I figured like everything else, I would learn on the we set the interview up for Monday and I said thanks.


After the interview we explored some possible housing places because we knew Long Beach was where we wanted to has the big city feel we love, is close to the water with an incredible bike/run/walk path along the water and past the huge Marina that extends for miles, has great shops and restaurants right off the water, and has a part of the beach reserved for dogs to enjoy the water off leash...the only thing it is missing is waves big enough to body surf as it is basically a bay, which Anna points out is better for Madison... I guess... and only ten miles down the road is Huntington Beach one of the greatest surf beaches in all of California (which we visit Saturday be patient)...


But we had also heard of a lovely place named Torrance, CA... It was about ten minutes north of Long Beach and contained our favorite Japanese Grocery Store/Food Court... Mitsuwa... Before we got there we stopped by Redondo Beach... Here Anna and Madison slept in the car while crazy Daddy explored another pier and beach... When Madison and Mommy were done with their naps we headed five minutes east to Mitsuwa... After lunch, having learned our lesson the previous day, we headed back to Redondo Beach so Madison could play by the water and we could let the traffic subside...


Madison is tippy toeing to see the water on the other side!

When we arrived at the airport yesterday we realized we totally forgot to bring Madison's Bugaboo so one of our first stops we made the first day was to the Babiesrus to pick up a cheap/smaller stroller... You can tell by her expression that she is missing her bugaboo:-)



California Dreamin' Part 1.../カリフォルニア夢紀行 パート1

This past week found the Klein family in Los Angeles…actually mostly in Long Beach to be exact….allow us to explain…so we are pretty sure we told everybody about our planned relocation to Raleigh, NC, but in true Klein family fashion, we changed our mind and set our sights on California’s Golden Coast. Since we started the process late for a while we did not think it was going to work out, so we were not going to bother you guys with the details, but at the end of June in a whirlwind of activity things started to fall into place. 1) I was told by my principal that the Long Beach school district was checking my references and really liked me. 2) I was finally able to get my application for Los Angeles School District approved and they set up an interview for July 21st. 3) Then I was able to schedule an interview for the Long Beach School District for the 22nd 4) So we immediately booked a flight to L.A. and now, July 27, we are on the plane returning to Connecticut to tell you all about it…well MOSTLY all about it….some details will still have to wait a few days, but hopefully only a few days. 先週1週間クライン家はロサン ゼルスに行って来ました...って言ってもほとんどの時間を過ごしたのはロングビーチって言うって所なんだけどね...何でかって言うと...結構前に北 キャロライナ州のラリーって市へ引っ越す計画を話したと思うんだけど、勿論気まぎれな僕達2人は計画変更して西海岸を目指す事にしたんです。引っ越し計画 を始めたのが少し遅すぎたから今年の夏は無理かもとブログにも書かずにいたんだけど、6月の終わり頃からいろいろと計画の成果が出て来ました。成果その 1)僕の学校の校長先生にカリフォルニアの学校区の人達からデイブの事を聞きに電話が来ていて気に入れられていると言われた。成果その2)ロサンゼルスの 学校区への書類が届き面接の日程が7月21日と決まった。成果その3)そしてそのすぐ後、ロングビ−チの学校区用の面接も決まった。成果その4)面接が決 まった直後に航空券を買って7月27日の今日コネチカットへ帰って来る飛行機に乗って、この一週間の度の事をみんなにはなしている訳です... 全部の事は今ここで話す事は出来ないけど後2、3日後には話せるようになればいいな。
First off I should say that Madison did great…after just returning from her flight to Japan she is becoming quite the little traveler…I think she even falls asleep faster than my Dad does on a plane.
まず最初に、マディソンはとても良い子でした…まだ日本か ら帰って来てからそんなに経っていないのに西海岸まで引っ張って行って、旅行好きな子になって来ました。

So we arrived at our hotel in Sherman Oaks, CA (about 20 minutes north of L.A. at the foothills of the San Fernando Valley) at 1am Wednesday morning. My interview with the L.A. school district would be in 8 hours…at the interview Madison and Anna met a very nice lady who worked for the teacher’s union named Sandy…she was very helpful…the interview went well, but L.A. has had many laid off teachers that have to get positions before they are allowed to hire from without so I was told it wouldn’t be until much later in August that they would know what was available…bummer…So we decided (or I the trip nazi decided…not sure what gets into me, but when I am in a new place I just want to see everything immediately)…it would be fun to go see Universal Studios City Walk because I had seen it on the Food Network and it looked like fun….so we paid our $15 to park and it turned out to be just a few shops and restaurants leading up to the actual Universal Studios Theme Park which we were not going to, so we paid $15 to shop and eat which is silly…except that Universal Studios City Walk was the first time we were introduced to Yogurt-land!! Yogurt-land was a self-serve yogurt wonderland where you paid by how much your creation weighed...FANTASTIC!! We would visit various yogurt-land locations throughout our stay in Southern we left there early afternoon and headed back to our hotel room for a quick wardrobe change into what else, but SWIMSUITS!!! Our hotel didn’t look far from Santa Monica and of course Daddy was in a hurry to see the pier so Mommy and Madison were kind enough to oblige and at 3:30pm we zoomed down the 405 highway and arrived at the pier 20 minutes later…to our amazement the water was New Hampshire frigid and the pier was okay…the surrounding scenery of mountains and cliffs was beautiful…so we headed back to our car through town and hit the road at 5:30pm…I think you know where this is headed…two hours later we arrived back at our hotel…I can’t say we hadn’t been warned about L.A. traffic, but we certainly learned our lesson on the very first day…oh yeah, and in the middle of the stress of the traffic jam and the tiredness from having very little sleep, Madison learned how to gag herself and from the sheer volume appeared to throw-up blueberries from weeks ago all over her rented car seat and the rental car…it was not cool!!
火曜日の夕方コネチカットから飛び立ってカリフォルニアで予約 しておいたホテルのあるシャーマンオークへ着いたのは水曜日の朝1時(時差があるからコネチ カットでは朝の3時になる)。そしてデイブの面接はその8時間後…僕の面接中に待っていたアンナとマディソンはサンディというそこで新任の先生の手続きを していたとても親切な人に出会い、あっという間に時間も過ぎていたみたい…面接の後、前にテレビの番組で見て面白そうだったユニバーサルスタジオシティ ウォークと言われる所に行ってみる事に…15ドルも駐車料金払って着いたのは、ただいろんなレストラントが立ち並んだ通りとその奥にあるユニバーサルスタ ジオ…今日、そこに行くつもりは無かったから15ドル損した気分だったけど、そこにあった唯一とても気に入ったお店とはヨーグルトラ ンド!ここはフロー ズンヨーグルト屋さんで約10種類ある味の中から自分で食べたいだけカップに入れてトッピングをのせた後、重さを計ってお金を払うと言う少し変わったフ ローズンヨーグルト屋さん:)1週間いた間に行き先でこのお店を探しては合計3回行きました。日本にもあるみたいですよ…
その後ホテルに一端戻っ て水着に着替えた後向かった所は、そこから20分ぐらいのサンタモニカ!海の水はビックリするくらいニューハンプシャーの海のように冷たかったんだけどそ の先に見える山や崖は綺麗でした。そして、そこにもう少し長くいれば良かったんだけど5時半ごろにホテルに帰ろうとしたから、夕方の渋滞に巻き込まれて 20分で着くはずのホテルまで2時間かかるという結果:(そして、やっぱり長旅でとても疲れていたマディソンにはとても長過ぎて辛い思いをさせてしまいま した…泣き叫びながら指を口に入れ過ぎていきなりレンタカーの中で初めてのゲーッ!!本当にゴメンネー!マディソン!


Our Future Tennis Star/私達の将来のテニスの星

When you are having a child it is only natural to pick which sport they will be a star in... right?!...well when we found out we were having a little girl we deliberated for many, many hours and decided that tennis would be her sport of choice (as we are not confident in the longevity of the WNBA and the Williams sisters should be about done by the time Madison arrives on the scene)...and now just 14 months later, as Uncle Robert, Nephews Carter and Grant and her Daddy played a sort of tennis with a fun nerf type ball Madison looked on with amazement...then when I picked her up and continued to play she would giggle and smile wide every time we hit the ball (which wasn't that often because Grant was a whiz at the net)...then after we were done Daddy let Madison hold the racket and PRESTO!! Let the love affair begin...would you believe that our little girl had a death grip on that racket...she dragged it all across the tennis court...once Daddy tried to take it away...tried...and Madison immediately threw one of her patented tantrums...not wanting her to bang her head on the concrete I gave her back the racket and immediately she stopped crying...then I carried her to the car and she continued to hold on to the racket...we put her in her car seat...racket in hand...she chewed the handle, like any pro would, all the way to my parent's house and when we finally got back to my parent's house I had to literally pry the racket from her hand to put it away in the trunk...mark the date, July 19th, 2010, the plan is a success...our little future tennis star has been born :-)
子供が生まれると将来何のスポーツをするか決めるのが普通だよね!?:p うちでは何時間も悩んだ結果、テニスに決めたんです...きっとマディソンの時代になる頃にはやっとウィリアム姉妹もやっと引退してくれてるだろうし...そして生まれて14ヶ月後に早速マディソンのテニス実力の花が開き始めるとは!ローバートとホーリーの家族と一緒にテニスをしに行った時、最後の方までパパがロバート、カーター、とグラントと一緒にテニスをしているのを楽しそうに見ていると思っていたら、パパの方に駆け寄っていっちゃいました。まあもう終わる所だしとパパに抱っこして貰ってパパと一緒にボールを打ち返していたら、打つ度にケラケラ笑っていたらしい...その上、片付け中にラケットを手にしたマディソンは、嬉しそうにそれと使っていた子供用の大きめのボールをもってコート中を駆け回り始めてやる気マンマン:)ラケットをどうしても話してくれなかったからそのまま車の中でも持ちっぱなしで困っちゃいました!でも今日7月19日に列記とした将来のテニスの星が生まれた事に間違い無しです:)

Stick'em! Stuck'em!/スティック’エム!スタックエム!

Stick'em! Stuck'em! That's what our funny little girl says a lot lately... It could be Japanese, but it sure sounds like English... I thought we would share a lot of funny things Madison has been doing or saying lately:-)

1. Madisonese:
We are anxiously waiting to see which language appears first...right now Madison really only speaks her own language, that maybe the dogs can understand...I think her same age friends can say more words now but we've always expected her to be a bit slow in that area since we are trying to teach her two totally different languages... So words she can say are "Yeah", "Daddy", Yada!(No!)", "That!", "Takai Takai(means High! or Expensive!)" and Stick'em Stuck'em!

2. Ever a Lady:
She loves carrying around baskets, purses, small bags, or containers... Is that a girl thing!? Not sure but it sure is cute:-) Wait till we have a picture of her carrying her brand new backpack I got for her in Japan!

3. Waving!!!:
We can't get enough of it... She waves when people leave, when we leave the room, when she is saying good night to her g-parents, when we tell her to say bye bye, etc... Super cute!

4. Blueberry poo:
She's been eating lots and lots of blueberries so her poops are blue or purple... I guess this can be one of the funny things she does:-)

5. Sippy cup:
She carries her sippy cup like a football and runs/walks around the house exploring... So in case she gets lost she won't starve!

6. Sharing:
She LOVES sharing her cheerios and blueberries with Ellie mostly and sometimes with us... She would let Ellie take it off her finger and with us she would put it in our mouth...

7. No!:
She understands No! in Japanese really well... Which is "Dame!" but we are afraid people who don't know that we are speaking Japanese would think we are saying really bad words to our daughter so we are trying to say "Dame-dayo!" which is a softer "No!"... Or I have to say something else in Japanese quickly so that nosy people can realize I'm not speaking English... I don't know what Dave should be doing, just keep saying "Nope!"!?

8. Balls:
She can kind of throw overhand... Can't tell where the ball may be going and it could totally go backwards but she knows that she is supposed to "throw" balls:-)

9. Diaper changes:
Oh this is not a funny thing at all but she HATES diaper changes!! She twists, head stands, stretches, closes her legs, etc... Every diaper change is a fight and we just can't understand all the fuss! Although we felt a bit better to know that Harper also hates his diaper changing and is 2 months older...

10. Water bug:
She loves the Ocean, Pool, and Bath! While staying at g-parents we've been enjoying our bath time in a big garden tub... And while in the bath she loves to drink bath water... And in this picture she is drinking the pool water while in her hippo pool. We are just glad she hasn't tried to do that in the Ocean or the public pool...:-)

11. Cooler:
The other day we found her trying to get into our cooler... So Daddy took her on a ride! Since then we saw her get into the Bean's bed too...

12. Cousins:
She really enjoys hanging out with her cousins... Here Carter was watching Mythbusters on TV and Madison decided to join him on the couch...:-)
She also enjoyed when her cousins would rock her...

13. Shopping cart:
We may have mentioned this before, but at the grocery stores, Madison loves to help push the cart. She gets right underneath in the middle and pushes with all her Target the carts are designed a little different and the only way she can push is by using a bar that is really low and makes her bend over so her little tush is in the air as she is adorable.

14. Arch nemesis:
Being in Connecticut has allowed us to put Madison in the nursery during church (our church in NY didn't have a nursery) and there she has met a baby who shall remain nameless that is super aggressive. When meeting Madison for the first time she took her pacifier and tried to take a chunk of her hair...I intercepted a wooden mallet that had Madison's skull as its intended target...adorable I know!! I have never thought of myself as an aggressive person, but in that moment I just wanted Madison to give her a swift kick in the shin, but she just stood there like a statue and let the "loving" baby give her a "hug" that knocked her to the ground...newsflash...we don't call that a hug where I come from we call it a rumble!!


Arctic Pool at Robert and Holly's.../ロバートとホーリー家の凍えるプール

Today Bob and Holly invited Madison to their blowup pool in their backyard... Even though the water was a pretty freezing temperature as it was right out of the faucet, Madison and Daddy braved the cold water and enjoyed it with Carter mostly who was in the pool with us... When we took Madison out of the pool about an hour later her feet were blue!! Bad parents:-( for not noticing it and not taking her out of it sooner... You can only tell from these pictures that they are having so much fun though...:-)

Even with the huge waves Carter made that almost took her down she didn't faze a bit!
What we didn't get on camera was the three point shot Madison made after picking up the ball...amazing...I know :-)

And this morning all of us went blueberry picking... Since then Madison has been pooping purple poo but we know blueberries have become her new favorite thing to eat!!


Back to New York... sort of.../ニューヨークへ戻る

On Monday we drove back to NYC... I mean we passed it on the way to Long Beach, Long Island to visit the Spitz family and stay with them for two days:-) Madison took a really nice-long nap almost the whole 2.5 hours that it took us to get to Long Beach so her mommy and daddy were very appreciative of a nice relaxing trip they got to have...

Soon after we arrived at their house we put on our bathing suits and headed out to the beach which was only 3 blocks away from their house. Although it took us a really long time to get our sandwiches made at a deli we got to the beach and they were very tasty! Worth the wait!

After lunch Daddy, Madison and I went down to the water and really enjoyed the warm water and waves:-) The difference in the temperature is sooooo huge! We were freezing our butts off at Hampton Beach in NH, but the water here was just perfect.

While at the Spitz' Madison enjoyed playing with their 16 month old, Harper and their two wicked huge and super friendly dogs, Kansas and Indy.

Madison immediately found this toy of Harper's that reminded her of the one she always used to use in the church if she could only learn how to turn corners.

Harper plays hide and seek with Madison, but Madison gives up looking...

Breakfast time was especially cute as each child took turns copying the others...if one went for the milk, the other one soon did as well...
Harper is such a happy youngster and has the cutest smile...
Here he is ordering one more waffle...

Madison, who hasn't really been around big dogs, showed no fear whatsoever and actually got quite close to Kansas, the affectionate puppy...

Quite close...I think Ellie and Coco will be jealous...

Harper was actually Madison's first ever playdate last summer when she was 3 months...then a picture was taken that made Madison look like a sumo wrestler compared to her two months older friend Harper...we blame the camera angle...take a look...
We were happy to see they were a little closer in proportions this time...

Another reason for our trip to Long Island was to see two co-worker friends of mine and pick-up the last of our stuff that wouldn't fit in the car in June. One was the baseball coach for our school and the other was the handball coach. The handball coach was also a bowling coach for another school and I had always wanted to challenge him to a bowling match. So it worked out pretty perfect that the day we planned to meet it was also raining so bowling was the perfect activity...unfortunately Mr. Schorr, the bowling coach, proved to be pretty decent and even Mr. McCarthy, the baseball guy, proved better than me...that was not cool...oh well, I think we made a bowler out of Madison though as she did pretty well high-fiving everybody after they made their was cute.