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Family Picture


Carifornia Dreamin' Part 2.../カリフォルニア夢紀行パート2...

So Thursday came and we hit the road extra early for my 10am interview in Long Beach because Long Beach is 20 minutes south of L.A. and we didn't want to take any chances with that traffic. We made it down easily enough that we had time for breakfast at a local eatery before going over to the interview...the Long Beach interview also went well and I was told there were a couple openings right now that the Special Education Coordinator would refer my name out for and hopefully the schools would call me and I would call me and I would interview with the principal... in the California Districts you first interview with the District and they decided if you are qualified and then in Long Beach they send your name to each school with openings and the school contacts you for an interview, then if the school likes you best they tell the District and the District will contact him/her with a job offer...quite the Thursday afternoon I got a call from a 563 area code(Long Beach!) and on the other end was the secretary for Polytechnic High School to ask me if I wanted to interview for a MS position. MS in California is there acronym for I said sure even though I really don't have experience working with students with severe disabilities I figured like everything else, I would learn on the we set the interview up for Monday and I said thanks.


After the interview we explored some possible housing places because we knew Long Beach was where we wanted to has the big city feel we love, is close to the water with an incredible bike/run/walk path along the water and past the huge Marina that extends for miles, has great shops and restaurants right off the water, and has a part of the beach reserved for dogs to enjoy the water off leash...the only thing it is missing is waves big enough to body surf as it is basically a bay, which Anna points out is better for Madison... I guess... and only ten miles down the road is Huntington Beach one of the greatest surf beaches in all of California (which we visit Saturday be patient)...


But we had also heard of a lovely place named Torrance, CA... It was about ten minutes north of Long Beach and contained our favorite Japanese Grocery Store/Food Court... Mitsuwa... Before we got there we stopped by Redondo Beach... Here Anna and Madison slept in the car while crazy Daddy explored another pier and beach... When Madison and Mommy were done with their naps we headed five minutes east to Mitsuwa... After lunch, having learned our lesson the previous day, we headed back to Redondo Beach so Madison could play by the water and we could let the traffic subside...


Madison is tippy toeing to see the water on the other side!

When we arrived at the airport yesterday we realized we totally forgot to bring Madison's Bugaboo so one of our first stops we made the first day was to the Babiesrus to pick up a cheap/smaller stroller... You can tell by her expression that she is missing her bugaboo:-)


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