So Sunday we left early to worship with the Stuebaker Road Church of Christ in Long Beach which was a nice congregation of about 200 and Madison quickly made friends in the nursery. After Church we headed further from Downtown to Belmont Shore, a section filled with older duplex type apartments which was similar to the type we had just left in NYC and weren’t that anxious to get back into so although we were telling ourselves we could do it, we were still disappointed.
Finally, Monday, our final day in California came and we headed back to Long Beach for my interview at Poly High. The students were definitely severely disabled with most being non-verbal and needing diaper changes throughout the day…it was something I have never been trained for and wasn’t sure I could or wanted to do. So we left there pretty discouraged as we thought that was the only interview I would have, but Anna encouraged me to call the district lady again and when I did she said she had also told one other school about me and they had position that were much more similar to what I had done at my previous school so 15 minutes after hanging up the phone I got a call asking if I could interview at Jordan High School…heck yeah…I wanted to say, so we played in the water of Long Beach for an hour and then headed to North Long Beach…actually higher than Torrance for my interview. The school turned out to have many similar needs to my school in Brooklyn which I think the principal appreciated. I felt much better about the interview and she explained that she had more interviews on Tuesday, but then Tuesday afternoon she would give her report to the district and then they would contact me either way, so that is where we are at…Wednesday or Thursday I should hear something, the same place it seems I have been all summer…waiting to hear something, but I have a good feeling about this one and if it doesn’t work out then the district keeps referring my name and hopefully principals will be open to doing phone interviews...
カリフォルニアでの最後の日、またロングビーチに戻ってポリー高校の校長先生と面接です。そこで働く事になったら僕の生徒達は相当身体障害のあ る子達になるみたい。言葉がうまくしゃべれない子がほとんどでその中にも一日中オムツ替えが必要な子もいるらしい…僕がニューヨークで教えて いた子達よりも遥かに難しい身体障害を抱えた子達で、実際自分でも出来るのかやりたいのかと自分に問いかけていました。面接はうまくいったんだけど仕事内 容にガッカリでこれで面接全部終わりなんだなーと思っていた時に、アンナがもう一度学校区の担当の人に電話をしてみたらって。そしたら、先週僕を推薦した 学校は2件あってそのもう1っ件はまだ面接の返事が来ていないらしい…しかもその学校が探している先生の仕事内容は今までのブルックリンの生徒達と同じ学 習障害を持っている子達だって。残念!でも電話を切って15分後にその学校から電話があって午後に面接したいって!やった〜!それから海辺で1時間ぐらい 遊んでロングビーチの北にあるジョーダン高校へ出発…この学校はブルックリンの学校と生徒たちの生活環境が全く同じ、ほとんどの状況が同じという事。校長 先生も僕がそういう学校や生徒達と渡り合っていたのが気に入ってくれたらしく面接はとてもうまくいきました。明日もう一人の先生候補と面接があるから返事 はその後という事だったからまたここ2ヶ月して来た事(ひたすら待つ)をしなきゃいけないんだけど、何処かの学校が仕事をくれると信じて待つつもりです。電話で面接してくれる校長先生がいればいいんだけど…
I hadn't checked your blog in a while. Alyson told me you guys were in for big changes! HOLY COW! Good luck in the job hunting process :)