Family Picture

Family Picture


Our Future Tennis Star/私達の将来のテニスの星

When you are having a child it is only natural to pick which sport they will be a star in... right?!...well when we found out we were having a little girl we deliberated for many, many hours and decided that tennis would be her sport of choice (as we are not confident in the longevity of the WNBA and the Williams sisters should be about done by the time Madison arrives on the scene)...and now just 14 months later, as Uncle Robert, Nephews Carter and Grant and her Daddy played a sort of tennis with a fun nerf type ball Madison looked on with amazement...then when I picked her up and continued to play she would giggle and smile wide every time we hit the ball (which wasn't that often because Grant was a whiz at the net)...then after we were done Daddy let Madison hold the racket and PRESTO!! Let the love affair begin...would you believe that our little girl had a death grip on that racket...she dragged it all across the tennis court...once Daddy tried to take it away...tried...and Madison immediately threw one of her patented tantrums...not wanting her to bang her head on the concrete I gave her back the racket and immediately she stopped crying...then I carried her to the car and she continued to hold on to the racket...we put her in her car seat...racket in hand...she chewed the handle, like any pro would, all the way to my parent's house and when we finally got back to my parent's house I had to literally pry the racket from her hand to put it away in the trunk...mark the date, July 19th, 2010, the plan is a success...our little future tennis star has been born :-)
子供が生まれると将来何のスポーツをするか決めるのが普通だよね!?:p うちでは何時間も悩んだ結果、テニスに決めたんです...きっとマディソンの時代になる頃にはやっとウィリアム姉妹もやっと引退してくれてるだろうし...そして生まれて14ヶ月後に早速マディソンのテニス実力の花が開き始めるとは!ローバートとホーリーの家族と一緒にテニスをしに行った時、最後の方までパパがロバート、カーター、とグラントと一緒にテニスをしているのを楽しそうに見ていると思っていたら、パパの方に駆け寄っていっちゃいました。まあもう終わる所だしとパパに抱っこして貰ってパパと一緒にボールを打ち返していたら、打つ度にケラケラ笑っていたらしい...その上、片付け中にラケットを手にしたマディソンは、嬉しそうにそれと使っていた子供用の大きめのボールをもってコート中を駆け回り始めてやる気マンマン:)ラケットをどうしても話してくれなかったからそのまま車の中でも持ちっぱなしで困っちゃいました!でも今日7月19日に列記とした将来のテニスの星が生まれた事に間違い無しです:)


  1. Her little tennis outfit is so cute! She'll be a star some day, and you can design and make all sorts of tennis ensembles!

    I feel like I haven't commented in so long because I rarely have my computer on and read everything on my iPhone.

  2. With 2 parents that love the game of tennis, it's in the genes! I imagine all the greats started very young!! So, I can start planning on attending Wimbledon 2025 to watch her play.
