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Family Picture


年末の食材掃除/Big Clean Up Challenge

今年もあと1ヶ月で終わってしまうなんて信じられないあっという間の2009年。せっかくだから2010年を新しく迎えられるように、いろいろ 買ってごちゃごちゃしている食材棚と冷凍庫にある物を使い切ってみる事にします。外から買って来れる物は、新鮮な野菜、乳製品、とタンパク質の取れるお肉 や魚だけ。(特別に使い切らなくていい物はわざわざ日本から送ってもらった食材などの貴重品...)毎日、家にある物を使ってご飯作りに挑戦!
I've decided to give myself a challenge this month since it's the end of year 2009 and our food pantry and freezers deserve a good clean up/use up! This means that I am allowed to buy fresh produces like Veggies, Dairies and Proteins, etc.. but pretty much everything else needs to come from my pantry shelf and what's in the freezers:-) (Only exception is my Japanese food products as some of them were actually shipped from Japan since I can't find them here so I am in no hurry to use these up...) I'm gonna be creative with my menu this month and I will be reporting back to you with what kind of dishes I can come up with! Feel free to join my end of year pantry-freezer clean up challenge!

This is a picture of how the pantry shelf looks... Hope it will look much emptier in a month!

Today's dinner menu is left over Curry Rice I made last night so I don't have to cook at all tonight except some Japanese rice and salad... Piece of cake for 1st day!

昨日何となく風になりかけかなーっと思っていたら案の定マディソンの鼻も一日中出っぱなし... 可哀想なマディソンいつも一緒にいるからいろいろ移っちゃうんだよね:(
今、 リンゴを食べているマディソンなんだけどふじ大好きです:)パパとママにそっくり!やっぱり野菜をすり潰したのより果物の方が嬉しそうに食べてます。あと 最近、うつぶせになって寝たりしてるんだけど、ちゃんと息をしているか心配だから無理に仰向けにしてあげます...うつぶせの寝顔凄い可愛いんだけどね〜 また写真撮りまーす!
Yesterday I wasn't feeling 100% and I could tell Madison wasn't either because her nose was running all day... Poor baby! I pass everything off to her since we are together pretty much all the time! As for her solid food progress, she just finished eating Fuji Apple and oh she loved it! Just like her Mommy and Daddy:-) She definitely enjoys her fruits more than veggies... Oh another thing is she started to like sleeping or laying on her belly and Dave and I worry that she is not breathing well by sleeping on her belly so I roll her back on her back but oh her sleeping on her belly look is so cute and just so real... I will try to capture it soon to share with you!

Well, I don't think I can get away with no pictures of Madison after all this blog was supposed to be about her so here are some pictures of our star...


  1. I attempt to do that every now and again. A couple months ago I did kind of a purging. We turned on our big upright freezer out in the garage for the first time since we've moved here, so I went through and tried to eat up stuff I knew had been in there a while, and did the same thing with my pantry and cupboards. I think I'm in 'store up for the winter' mode now, though.

    So have you been making all your own baby food? Do you bake the apples and then puree them? I was too lazy to do all that and ended up only making a few of Lily's baby foods. But once Lily could eat everything, she decided that she did not want to eat baby food and would only eat what we were eating, so I ended up having to mash up our dinners a lot.

    I like how in the first picture of Madison the Beans are playing in the background. :)

  2. Yes, I've been making all her baby foods so far... I just make bunch and freeze them in small containers so I can defrost as I need them... I read that you can bake apples too and they get sweeter but I just boiled them and pureed and they become exactly like apple sauce:-) Madison just turned 7 months yesterday and I was wondering when am I supposed to dice up veggies and fruits so that they are small enough and can be picked up with fingers...? When did Lily get to that stage and when did you start to mash up your dinners for her!? I can't wait for that stage! She is definetely interested in what we eat... always trying to grab our foods or plates or anything she can get her hands on!

    yeah I like that first picture too... Madison was sitting so nicely for me yesterday and Beans just kept play-fighting around her for a long time! Madison just watched her older sisters chase each other.

  3. Lily choked pretty easily for a while, so it took a while for her to get the hang of diced foods. I did the Gerber puffs and crunchies because they dissolve really quickly, but she was able to get used to how to eat solids and was able to practice feeding herself. I was really strict with the one food at a time, so it wasn't until she was 9 months that I would give her bites of whatever we were eating. But if we were eating a food she'd already been introduced to, I would let her have it. She did well with pastas and really soft veggies (she loved the ends of broccoli, but couldn't do the stems well). I just learned that I needed to give her tiny tiny bites so that she wouldn't choke (which was scary, and she threw up a few times, but she was fine.) Anyway, yeah it's fun now that she eats what we eat. I'm glad she's interested in our food, rather than insisting that she eats her own special food or something.
