Family Picture

Family Picture


マディソンのお気に入りの寝方/Madison's favorite sleeping position.

So apparently Madison loves sleeping on her tummy... I have resisted the urge to roll her back on her back today and all her naps have been on her tummy. Right now I'm waiting for her to wake up and this nap has been super long! Don't worry I've been checking on her to make sure she is breathing:-)
I forgot to post this picture yesterday... Come on!! How could I have forgotten this one!

Tonight Dave picked us up at home and we went to Party City and Stop & Shop to get everything he needed for his Pep Rally tomorrow so I had defrosted Pulled Pork and Flat Bread and made a sandwich with Salad for Dinner... That's right! Another left over night:-) but two less things out of the freezer!

and this is a video of our Beans playing... in silence as usual.

1 comment:

  1. That cracks me up that the Beans play silently. When the Nuts play, they growl like they're going to kill each other. They're LOUD!

    Once babies start rolling, there's not much you can do to stop them from sleeping however they want. Can she roll from her belly to back too? Lily HATED being on her belly, so she would roll onto it in her sleep and wake up screaming... it was pretty funny. Plus, if Madison sleeps with a pacifier they say that helps them breathe since it keeps their nose from being smooshed into the mattress. But she's big enough that she'll be fine sleeping however.
