Family Picture

Family Picture


A Christmas Miracle/クリスマスの奇跡

Twas the morning of Christmas, in the Sunnyside house
And Creatures were stirring, one was cute as a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the tree with care
And hopes were answered, St. Nick had been there.

When out on the street there arose an open spot.
I sprang from the house to jog one and a half blocks.
Away to the car I flew like a flash,
Tore open the door and pushed on the gas.

Now Alero, now Oldsmobile, now go without fear,
On 43rd, on Skillman, I was getting near.
I stopped at the light because that is the law,
And told everyone to pass the spot by using my jaw.

And then in a twinkling, the light turned green,
The spot was still open, it was a beautiful scene.
I backed the car in and gave a hearty cheer,
Happy Christmas to all, a spot in front of our house was here!!!

So that is how Christmas started for the Kleins this year...not a bad start at all...with the impending snow storm about to spread anywhere from 2-12 inches (gotta love those forecasters) we really wanted to have the car in front of the house to be able to watch it and dig out if necessary. Also if Church is canceled tomorrow then we won't move until we move on the 23rd to drive to Connecticut so we will have the car right in front of our place to load everybody up instead of a block a half away!! It was a wonderful way to start Christmas Morning.
デイブが有名なクリスマスの物語に合わせて今朝のクリスマスの奇跡を書いてくれたんだけどなかなか訳すのが難しいです。簡単に言うと今朝家の前に杏奈達の車を駐車する事が出来て奇 跡だって事なんです!水曜日にコネチカットに行かなきゃいけないから家の目の前に車があれば荷物を乗せやすいって事なのです。さて今日は頼りない天気予報 によると結構雪が降るらしいです。だから、その後車の周りを雪かきしやすいように丁度家の前に止められてよかった〜。本当にクリスマスの奇跡だ〜:)

After the excitement of finding the spot Anna whipped up some delicious hot cocoa and we settled in to open our presents...stockings first of course...Anna had indeed up'd her stocking game even including "The Karate Kid" doesn't get much better than that.

Madison did pretty well but I think Anna and I may go into the edible wrapping paper business because it would have been nice to allow Madison to enjoy chomping instead of constantly prying the paper from her hands and mouth.

Madison surrounded by her presents of Puppy Bingo, blocks and a Princess Tent.
Madison also received some VeggieTales Devotional Books for us to read as a family.

Anna did a spectacular job shopping for Madison this year...unfortunately I wasn't able to be with her to purchase a lot of it so I was as surprised as Madison at what she got, but one box Anna did not know about. It was something I had purchased on one of our trips to the Outlet Mall...Anna meant to take a picture, but the video function was on so you can see what I got Madison as she was moving too much anyways to get a clear picture...

Anna and I had agreed that we would take it easy on each other this year and not go too extravagant, so when I opened this box I was both surprised and bewildered...had she really done it...she had been saying I needed to get an Iphone lately so that it's easier for her to send me Madison's pictures while I'm at work, but we had agreed it wasn't the right time...what had she done...
今年はいつもよりお互いに買うプレゼントは少なくしようって話し合ったから、この箱を開けた時にびっくりしました。これ本当に買ったの?杏奈が仕事中にマディソンの写真を送りやすいからアイフォンを買った方が良いんじゃないって最近言ってたけど、もう少し待とうって決めたはずなのに... マジ!?

Then I opened the box and in classic Anna style, it had all been a test...

She wanted to gauge my reaction to see if I really did want the Iphone, but wouldn't reaction was a little of A, but mostly B so we will still be waiting on the Iphone, but it was such a neat clever that wife of mine!!


  1.  豹柄の洋服がキュートだね(≧∇≦)♪♪♪

  2. は〜い!またサイズ教えるからね〜。この写真で着ているのはパジャマなんだよ。アリソンおばさんが買ってくれたの!

  3. Princess tents are the best! We have one that we keep set up all the time and then when we "clean up" we just stuff all the other toys in her tent! Viola!
