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Family Picture


お得意パズル!/Puzzle Wizard!

私達の2才の娘はパズルがお得意になってきました... 一人目の子供で知らないだけで、2才の子なら出来て当たり前なのかもしれないけど、私達はいつも感心させられちゃいます...:)
Our two year old is becoming quite a puzzle wizard... and since we don't have any other child to compare her to this may be just a normal two year old ability, but we are easily impressed...:-)

金曜日の夜、ジムとアリソン達と先週達成したディズニーランドで15時間以来初めて3人で行ってきました... やっぱり4人以内と寂しかったし記録は4時間半だけ、しかもカリブの海賊の列にいる時にマディソンのオムツ漏れ発生で少し早めにディズニーランドを後にする事に... それにしてもちょうど帰る時(8時頃)に来た大勢のお客さん達は何だったんだろう... まさか花火だけ見に来た人達だとは思えないけど...
On Friday night we visited Disneyland for the first time since the 15 hour record we achieved with Jim, Alyson, Lily and Grace last week... We missed them dearly and it wasn't the same but we had our 4.5 hours of fun which ended when Madison's leaky diaper got us out of line for the Pirates of the Caribbean... Because of the world premier of the 4th Pirates of the Caribbean movie taking place in DL on Saturday night(tonight), the area near the ride was really congested because of gigantic specially built orchestra seating so it was time to get home anyhow but what really confused us the most was that when we were exiting the park around 8:00 so many people were still coming in... I mean soooo many people! It would be too crazy to think all those people are there just to watch the fireworks, but I guess we will never know why...

We took a little tour of Mickey's house and was able to take a group picture with him...
マディソンの日本にいるじいじとばあばとあすかおばちゃんからの誕生日プレゼントの一つがこのとっても可愛いティーシャツ... オートピアの列に居る時撮った写真なんだけど、なぜか写真を撮るのが大変だった、私が立ったりしゃがんだりする度にマディソンが真似をしたから...
One of the birthday presents from Madison's grand parents and aunt Asuka from Japan was this really cute printed tee... I wanted to take a full body picture of her outfit yesterday while waiting in line for Autopia(which we found out she is tall enough to go on, Yay!) but she kept copying me so when I squatted to take a picture of her she would sit down... Sigh...

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