Family Picture

Family Picture



昨日の夜、バウンサーというマディソン用のおもちゃを買ってきました!ホーリーが提案してくれたんだけど、椅子が振動して余分な空気が出て赤ちゃんの居心地が良くなる んだって!早速今日使ってみたら、簡単に寝付いちゃいました!多分、車に乗っている時と同じ感じなのかなー。どんどんと杏奈達の家がマディソンの物で埋まっていってます!でもこれは買ってよかったー:)

We got a bouncer last night per Holly's baby entertainment suggestion and we don't mind it taking up more space in our big NYC place:-) Madison just fell asleep on it for the first time so we believe in this product of baby soothing! Plus we got to enjoy a Friday night out for the first time since she was born to Buy Buy Baby AND I got to experience my very first diaper change in a public place!! and Madison had one of her very full-stinky diaper to make it even more interesting:-)


  1. Yes! Bouncers are the greatest! Ours played like 10 songs over and over and over and over and over and over again. We eventually memorized the order and knew what would come next. They're great to contain and entertain a baby while you shower and soothe a baby. A must have! Glad you got one!

  2. P.S. Madison has a killer Mohawk!
