Family Picture

Family Picture


Last Maternity Day and Daddy Day Care

杏奈の状況はそんなところで! マディソンの事を知りたくてこれ読んでるんだもんね!マディソンは相変わらずとっても可愛いです:)今日で8週間目!もう最近はいろいろと周りの事が気になり始めているみたい、杏奈達が部屋で歩き回ってると目で追ったりできるし、本を読む時間も前より気に入ってきたみたい。最近やっぱりおならした時に出る笑顔じゃない笑顔も出てきてるのー!すっごい可愛いんだけどついついカメラを出すの忘れちゃうんだよねー見とれてるから!日本語と英語両方がんばって話しかけてるよー!最初の言葉はどっちのになるのかなー?楽しみ:)この写真はマディソンの笑顔になるのかなって言う写真だよ。それとも何か企んでるのカナ!?笑!

Unfortunately my maternity leave ends today and I will be back in Times Square sitting in front of a Mac designing graphics to put on DKNY Jeans clothing from 9:30am - 7:00pm... 2 months is a long enough time to forget the old routine and get used to the new routine so now I have a small butterfly in my stomach... I am somewhat looking forward to talking to adults other than Dave, getting an iced coffee(Decaf) as I walk to work, being creative on a computer, getting lunch and eating at Bryant Park, going to meetings, etc... However I just can't imagine how much I'm going to miss my girl!! and she is getting more and more fun to watch everyday! Fortunately Dave will be taking care of Madison and that they will be coming to visit me at work as often as they can.
Okay, enough about my thoughts and feelings! I know you are here to check on Madison... Today is her 8 weeks birthday! She is very adorable as usual and like I said she is definitely becoming more aware of her surroundings. Her eyes follow us when we move around in the room and we are having much better story time:-) I'm starting to see her real smiles and not the " I have gas" smiles so that's fun!She is hearing me speak in Japanese and English both so I'm looking forward to hearing her first word and language in near future!
Here is a picture of Madison almost smiling... it's really hard to take a picture of when she is smiling cause I just want to watch her and totally forget to grab a camera or my iphone so it could be a while before I can post a really good smiling picture of her!

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