Family Picture

Family Picture


Day One of Daddy Day Care/パパのお子守り一日目

SHE'S ALIVE STILL!!! It may be hard for some to believe but I did it!! A whole ten hours of just Madison and me and we both survived!! So the day was a pretty huge success...we slept, we ate, we pooped...we had tummy time, we went for a walk, we practiced our Japanese/English Animal was a full day...the most annoying thing to me is that I like it when she takes a nap of more than an hour (which happened once from 2:30-5:00pm) but when she stays asleep for that long I spend the whole time worrying that she is not is crazy. I am sure the more she keeps waking up from her naps the more I will begin to worry less...other than that I can't really complain...we took some cute close-up pictures using our tripod and we decided we will be sending a message a day to Mommy, so below you can see some of those pictures.

マディソンまだ生きてるよ!!!信じられないかもしれないけどやったよ!!マディソンと一緒に丸まる10時間も一緒で2人とも無事だった!!結果的にはいい日だった。睡眠、ご飯、とトイレ...タミータイム、散歩、フラッシュカードで英語/日本語を練習したりといろいろしました。何が嫌だったっていうのはマディソンが1時間以上お昼寝する時は嬉しいんだけど (1回あったのは2時半から5時まで)そんなに長く寝ていられるとその間ずっともしかして息してないんじゃないかと心配しっぱなし...変だけどちょくちょく起きてくれる方が心配しなくてすむんだよね。それ以外は何も文句なし...三脚を使って何枚か写真を撮ったから一日一つママにメッセージを送る事にしたから写真はこの下に...


1 comment:

  1. Awe, I bet Anna liked that note. I did the same thing when Lily was first born where I worried when Lily slept longer than 1/2 hour or so (which was rare for quite a while). Now I get mad if she sleeps less than 2 hours :) I'm glad the bost of you survived!
