どこから話したら良いかなー?今朝、来週のサンクスギビング用の材料を買い物に行こうと車に向かって出発して昨日デイブが車を止めた所に行ったら、何と前 にあるはずのバンパープレートが無くなっちゃってるー!!うっそーっ!と思いながら後ろを見たら後ろのはちゃんと残っていたからちょっと一安心したんだけ どどうすれば分からなくてちょっとパニック:( そのまま買い物に行って後でデイブに何とかして貰った方が良いのか、110番するべきか、でも事故に遭っ た訳じゃないし...は〜っ、デイブが居てくれたら良かったのに...:( 何が起こっているのか分かってないマディソンの笑顔のおかげで何とか落ち着い て次の何をするべきか考えました。まずちょっと前に家の前にたまたま通りがかっていた警察官の人に聞いてみようと行ったら、当然もう居なくなっちゃってい たから丁度角を曲がってこっちに向かっていたパトカーに止まってもらって事情を説明して質問する事に成功。110番は市内で警察署に盗難届けを出しに行っ てその後新しいバンパープレートを取りに行かなきゃいけないんだって。当然運転して行かなきゃいけないから、バンパープレートに気づいた警察官に止められ るかもって少し心配しながら10分ぐらい離れてる108警察署に行って届け出を出すことに。やっぱり何でもデイブを頼りにしてちゃいけないもんね。もちろ んニューヨークは駐車場が無いからミーターの所で駐車して40分以内に全部終わる事を願いながら到着。盗難係のおばさん達はいい人達で良かったけどやっぱ り警察署っ緊張しちゃいました。何も悪い事した訳じゃないんだけど何でだろ!?あと何でか知らないけど踊る大捜査線みたいな警察署を想像していたから全然 違ってちょっと残念!結構汚かったよ:)レシートみたいな紙を違う所にある免許取る所に持って行って新しいバンパープレートを貰わなきゃ行けないんだけ ど、何と午後にデイブのバスケの校外戦のある学校の近くという事が判明。よかったー!
Okay, so where do I start!? This morning I felt like being productive so I made a list of things I need from Stop & Shop for our Thanksgiving feast and headed to the car with Madison in on my hip... Dave took our car yesterday to school so he told me where the car was parked which was around the corner from our place. I'm glad we walked up to our car from the other side of the street because as we were crossing the street I spotted an empty front end of our car and realized that our license plate was missing!! Gone!!
I got a little queasy in my stomach as I always do when I hear bad news, or when I know something bad happened... And this morning I was glad that our car windows are intact that nobody broke in and as we walked to the back our back license plate was still there... I felt a bit relieved but then I started to get panicky about what to do next... Do I still go to Stop & Shop and worry about this later? but what about driving with a missing license plate? Don't I get a ticket for that? Do I call a police and file a report? I've never called 911 before on purpose!! Grrr!!! I'm nervous!! What do I do!!! Dave, help me!!! I wish he were here, he knows exactly what to do with these situations!! I should mention that Dave is the most calm person that I know... Why do I know this? That's because we've been in two really serious car accidents in the past together and although we were never injured from either accidents our cars had been totally smashed and totaled and while I ran around in super-panicky mode Dave would be taking care of everything without sweating a bit and you know he usually sweats by just breathing right!? So my panicking lasted about 5 minutes as I sat next to Madison who had no idea of the situation and was smiling at me... I think she calmed me down so I told myself, Okay I should not drive to the store, but not sure if I should just call 911 because no body died... Oh I should ask an officer who was writing tickets to cars that were parked on Friday side and didn't get moved... So we did, after calling Dave and leaving a message that everything is okay except our license plate, we walked back to basically our place and looked around for an officer but he was already gone so we stood on the corner and thought about our next move then I spotted flashing lights of a police car so I flagged her like I was flagging a taxi and thankfully she pulled over for me. I explained to her that seems like one of my license plate got stolen and didn't how to go about it. She told me that I need to go to 108 Precinct to file a report then take some kind of a paper to DMV... Yes, I will get a ticket by driving a car with only one license plate but how else would I get there!? and No, don't call 911 because no body was killed or injured. Thinking back she could have shown a little more sympathy but at that time I was too desperate for some kind of guidance I didn't care. So we drove about 10 minutes to 108 Precinct and parked at a meter(hoping this whole thing will be done in 40 minutes) and got a little lost but finally arrived at their door step. I know Madison or I did nothing wrong but very much nervous going in... We waited for our turn and sat down to file a theft report. I forgot to bring the registration card along so had to go back to the car to get it but everything got done in about 35 minutes or so and turned out that the DMV place that they told me to go to sounded really close to where we need to be this afternoon to go see Dave's away basketball game so we will just have to make one extra stop, Yay:-)
10 hours later...
違う建物の所に着いたのは良いんだけど、受付の人に盗まれなかったもう一つのバンパーがないと新しいのがあげられないって追い返されてしまい、駐車場に戻って自分で取れるか試したけど鉄が錆びてるしドライバーもないし自分一人では取れなくてもうヤダー!!!:( しかも、駐車場を出る時お金払わなきゃいけないんだけど、今日はデイブに買ってもらって小さいバッグを持って来たからクレジットカードと免許証だけで小銭は一銭も無しの状態。悪い予感通りクレジットカードは駄目って言われて大焦り!何とか車の小銭入れに入ってるので足りたけど一時はどうなるかと思っちゃいました...せっかく今日中に決着がつくと思っていたのにガーッカリ:(
Well, the afternoon did not go as well as I had hoped... Getting to the DMV was good but turned out it's one of those that is connected to the mall complex so I had to pay to park and after standing in line to get what I thought would be a number ticket the guy told me that I was supposed to bring the other license plate still on the car in order to get the new one, and I explained that I didn't have a screw driver to which the guy replied that I should have gotten some help so I walked back to the car and asked the booth agent if he had a screwdriver I could borrow and then I walked up to a tow truck that was outside and he said he only had a philipshead and I needed a flathead...so boo! So I went back to the car and tried to MacGuyver the thing...First I tried using the jumper cables I found in the car but the nails were too small and wouldn't grab the rusty screws...then I realized I needed something flat that would fit right in and twist so I tried a quarter...too big...I tried a penny, but did not possess the necessary finger muscle to turn that thing and finally gave up...I guess all the time I was playing with the penny made the time pass more than a half hour...so when I pulled up to the booth to leave the agent told me $3.00 and I got out my credit card and he declared "cash only" and I just had to laugh because everything was going wrong...so thankfully the car behind me was patient as I picked dimes and nickels out of anyplace I could find them and the agent must have felt bad for me because he lowered the price to $2.00 and I was able to locate the necessary amount and off we went with a completely happy Madison...then while driving toward Target to kill some time, Madison started screaming, but I needed gas and I had never put gas in this car before, so at the gas station I kept looking for the handle to pop the gas tank only to find out it didn't exist in this car and all you have to do is pull open the tank...talk about easy to steal gas...after getting gas I pulled into our Church building parking lot which was kind of like a half-way point and I changed Madison in the back seat and we headed off to Target a little later than planned...and it was the most relaxing Target trip ever...
Then we headed to the school that Daddy's team was playing in basketball that night and got to say hi to him just before the game so that cheered us up. The gym was really nice, but the fans had to stand in a type of balcony seating and look down on the floor so I pouched Madison and a nice guy gave me a seat...the game was very exciting, Dave's team lost in overtime 76-73.
Lastly I wanted to leave you with a video I took yesterday of Madison and Coco to bring a little cheer to my dreary day!!
P.S. Madison is a good girl :-)
Crazy Day! Don't you hate it when something like that happens and you have to deal with people who do that kind of stuff every day (like the DMV) and they act like you're an idiot for not knowing exactly what to do just because they know exactly what to do? But it's their job! Who gets their license plat stolen every day?
ReplyDeleteI'm glad everything turned out alright, though. And Madison is a very good girl! I guess that's the nice thing about a nursing a baby who will sleep anywhere... you can go anywhere!!
Coco is a good dog for letting Madison pet her. The Nuts would be outta there!