Family Picture

Family Picture


ゴロン出来た!/Rolling Over!

今日初めてゴロンで来た訳じゃないんだけど今日初めてビデオに撮る事に成功しました。ちょっと無理矢理かもしれないけどね:)気づいたと思うけど夏服をまだ着せてまーす! 可愛いしもったいないからいっぱい重ね着で...多分この考えは岩井家から代々伝わってるんだと思うけど、杏奈はただ安いからと言ってすぐ壊れちゃいそうな物を買うよりも、少し値段が高くても長持ちしたり本当に自分の気に入った物を買わないと意味がないと信じてます。だからデイブになんでそんな高い物買ったのー?って聞かれるといっぱい着たり使ったりする度に値段が安くなる考えを使って説得したりします。いきなり変な事を話し始めちゃいました...

Today wasn't her first day to roll over but I finally got to record it to put on the blog...It's also not her best work since it's not a nice graceful roll over but good enough:-) You may also notice that she is in somewhat summery clothing and you may think "Hello!? Does Anna know it's November and not September??" and the answer is yes! but I want to give those cute summer clothes more chances to be worn as long as Madison can fit into them... and she still can! So I've been doing a lot of layering lately to stretch these clothes' life expectancies... and this is helping my PPW(Price Per Wear) theory... Not sure if I should call it a theory or motto but I use PPW theory a lot to convince Dave to buy things that are not neccesarily cheap, and if it's not something you can wear then I use PPU(Price Per Usage)! and it works! I'd rather pay a bit more for something that I know I would use for a long time or many times than buy something just because it's cheaper and for them to be broken right away or for them to not work good enough and be added to our useless junk pile... Okay I went off the subject once again and that yellow tank-shorts wasn't that expensive but I think I wanted to defend my purchasing of other cute clothes that Madison has...

Anyways, I found a cute picture of our Beans dressed up as Bees(Asuka got them the costumes last year!) and pictures of Madison and Coco playing together AKA I'm holding Coco so that Madison can pull at Coco's hair and call it a Play time! Today Madison was sitting up and Coco happened to walk by and got close enough for Madison to reach(I guess Coco didn't learn her lesson the last time!) and Madison grabbed her hair pretty good and cried out for help so let's see if she learned the lesson this time:-)

1 comment:

  1. Yay for rolling over!! The Beans will learn soon enough to steer clear of Madison!
