Family Picture

Family Picture


おまけの写真とビデオを紹介/Bonus pics and video

お母さんとあすかは無事に日本の家に到着したと報告が来ました...今の時間は10時18分だからちょうどこっちで買って行ったパンを食べてる頃かな〜?お母さんがマディソンに本を読んであげているビデオをブログに載せるのを忘れてたので今日ここに載せたよー。ビデオの途中にマディソンの口からミルクが飛び出すのをお見逃し無く!! あとその他にもおまけの写真や妹の子供、煌絆(こうき)を写真で紹介しま〜す!!
So my Mom and Asuka are safely back at home in Japan now... It's 10:18pm here right now so I'm pretty sure they are enjoying the bread they brought back with them right about now... Dave reminded me to put a video of G-ma Iwai reading a book to Madison on the blog so even though you won't understand what my mom is reading about I hope you will enjoy it! Oh about half way through the video Madison throws up really quick and really funny so try not to miss it;-) Since I made this a bonus blog thought it will be nice to put some more pictures from the visit and also some pictures of my family that I have in Japan:-)

Getting ready to leave for Church service... I love the hair and dress on Madison!

Driving back home from a fun weekend in Boston/CT... I think the only ones awake at that time were Asuka who was taking this picture and Dave who was driving us home:-)

All the rest of the pictures are ones Asuka took in Japan, mostly of our nephew Kouki...

Probably about two years ago when she was in the Police Academy... I believe this is her second year since she became a Detective. Yeah, all the CSI stuff!

The mother and father of Kouki, my sister Sayaka and her husband Kachan.

I believe this is the most recent picture of Kouki... Love the slippers! He is about 18months then.


  1. It's a miracle! I understand Japanese! She was saying "Ten little ladybugs sitting on a vine. Along came a butterfly-then there were... Nine little ladybugs..." :)

    Cute pics!

  2. Thanks, Alyson,I was trying to guess the book.That video is a wonderul keepsake for Madison.
