Family Picture

Family Picture


マディソンとママ/Two of Us Again...

デイブの学校が始まって2日目...やっぱり寂しいです。毎日どこかにお出かけする夏は終わってまた平凡な毎日が始まります。っと言っても土曜日にお母さんとあすかが来たらまた忙しい日々が始まるんだけどね...今日は杏奈達の車が止まっている通りの掃除の日だからお買い物に行く事にしました。マディソンが9時半に起きた後早速出発! 20分ぐらいでターゲットのあるショッピングセンターに到着。ずーっと泣き叫んでいたマディソンもやっと最後の方で落ち着いてくれました。もう一人マディソンと後ろに座っていてくれる人が居ればいいのにな〜。お店でぶらぶらと歩き回りながらマディソンのクリスマス用のおもちゃ探し。一つ絶対欲しいのは猫の形をした小さいキーボード、きっと気に入ると思うんだよね。杏奈も少し弾けるし2人で楽しめそう... ターゲットの後はベイビーザラスという赤ちゃん専門店。マディソンのベッド用の小さい扇風機を探していたんだけど見つかりませんでした。誰かに似て汗っかきなんだよね:)今日は特別に写真を撮らなかったからまだブログに乗せてない可愛いマディソンの写真をどうぞ!
So today was our 2nd day to be without Daddy... We missed him... Instead of keeping up with our busy summer schedule we will be going back to a bit slower pace this Fall/Winter...until Saturday when my Mom and my sister, Asuka will be here and we shall be busy running around then:) Today, we were parked on the Wednesday side of alternate parking this week so as soon as Madison was done with her morning nap we were off to visit Target and Babiesrus. It only takes like 20minutes to get there but with a screaming baby in the back seat it feels much longer. She finally calmed down towards the end when I sang "Jesus, Jesus Keep me near to the precious..." song a few times so I guess that will be my calming Madison song until it doesn't work any more. I didn't really have anything specific that I was looking for except the floating device for Madison to use next summer which I thought would be on sale by now but it wasn't so I didn't buy it. I decided to research what kind of toys are available for her for Xmas...I did find one that I want for her for sure which is called a Kitty Keyboard... Well it's a small key board that is in a shape of Kitty's face and purple in color which is a good plus:-) See below...

I shall add that to her wish list this year! On the way home I got lost a bit and was frustrated with my Iphone but I won't go into detail here. I was trying to video tape Madison waking up from her nap but it didn't come out good that will be another day I promise you... So I'm posting a picture from a few weeks ago that we saved for some random blog day along with a picture of her cute leopard outfit she had on today.


  1. In that first picture of Madison I can see a resemblance between her and Lily.

    Driving with a screaming baby is no fun :( I've had to stop on several occasions and find a pacifier or feed a baby or whatever. Blah!

  2. Love both outfits Madison is wearing. Yep! a screaming baby is no fun in a moving vehicle. but 2 screaming babies(Jim and a friend) in the back seat, can cause 2 harried mothers in the front, to begin laughing hysterically. May I reccommend keeping a bottle of aspirin in the car for the long drives.
