Family Picture

Family Picture


Can you imagine it?/想像出来るかな?

一緒に載せる写真は無いんだけどマディソンが可愛い事をしてくれたので報告... みんなも知ってる通りマディソンの離乳食が始まって今日で3日目。今日は終わった後もまだ欲しそうにしていたマディソン(明日からもう少し量を増やすつもり)。暖めて食べるつもりだったスープが一日外に置いといたら駄目になっちゃってたから、夕ご飯が少なかったパパとママはお腹が減っちゃってイングリッシュマフィンを焼いて食べてたんです。最初マディソンはじーっと見てたんだけど、なんだろ自分でも食べれると思ったのかな?いきなり手が伸びて一切れ掴もうと一生懸命!それがスゴーイ可愛かったんです:)写真もビデオも撮れなくてとても残念でした。想像だけで...:)

So today we don't have any pictures to show you but thought we would share something that we thought was really cute this evening... As you read Madison started her solid foods and today was her 3rd day to have some milky rice cereal which she did spectacular she could have eaten more of! Cool right!? A couple of hours after we had our dinner we got hungry since we had a tiny dinner(we weren't hungry... oh wait, no! the hearty-yummy soup that I was planning on heating up had gone bad since I left it on the stove all day:-( so Dave decided to make some toasted English Muffins with peanut butter and strawberry jam and we were eating them right in front of Madison. After watching us munch on them for about 5 minutes she must have thought she was ready for that kind of solid food and started to reach for one of the slices!! she was sitting up and stretching her arms so hard!! It was super cute and she came really close to grabbing one of them:-) We were sad that we didn't get to take a picture or to record a video of it! So...could you imagine it!?


  1. What, you didn't giver the english muffin? What's the deal? :)

  2. Well, just tell Madison that Grandma is a pushover and will give her an english muffin when she visits,as long as she has some teeth to chew it with.
