Family Picture

Family Picture


人参に挑戦/Moving on to Carrots and more!

On Sunday we moved down on our solid food list and introduced Madison with her very first taste of Carrot! But as soon as she tasted the carrot she gave us the weirdest look like she cannot believe that we put this thing in her mouth but then she would start to make the chewing motion...then swallow and open her mouth for another bite of strange orange goo! Not sure if she likes Carrots but at least she is not spitting it out or throwing it up so we shall put Carrots in our "Like it!" category... So far 3 "Like it!" 0 "Never again!"... She is doing good:-) Oh speaking of chewing, Daddy found on Friday night that Madison has two teeth peeking their heads out! Yay!! She will be able to actually chew soon enough! And that's probably why she has been waking up once at night the last a few weeks... but other than that no extra hard crying or unusual fussiness it may be a little early, but once again she is proving she is one tough cookie:-) I will post a picture of peeking little teeth as soon as I can!

昨日、新しく見つけたパイレシピを使って11月8日に教会であるパイコンテスト用に練習をする事に。去年のコンテストでは入賞も出来なくてとても残念(と言うかズッキーニを使ったデザートを作ったんだけどみんなリンゴだと思い込んでてクリエイティブ得点が貰えなかったの)だから今回はアップルキャラメルパイを作る計画...でもデイブに初めて使うレシピだから一回練習した方が良いんじゃないかなって。結構真剣です!パイ生地から全部自分で作ったから結構時間がかかってしまって、しかもキャラメル作りで手こずり放題:( 黄金色になってキャラメルが完成する前に完全に固まってまた溶けるって言う行程を知らなかったから、最初の2回は砂糖が完全に固まったところで失敗と思ってゴミ箱行き。やっとその行程の事に気づいて3回目で挑戦しようと思っていたらマディソンがお昼寝から起きてしまいました...一休みしよっかーとマディソンと遊んで少し落ち着いた後ソファの上に座らせてまたキャラメルに再挑戦!時々マディソンの様子を見ながら砂糖をかき混ぜていたら最初のうちはおもちゃに話しかけたり、噛み付いたりしていたマディソンがいきなり凄い静かに...ちょっと顔を出すと後ろ姿しか見えなかったけどさっき座らせたままだったからきっとテレビを観てるのかな?っと...やっとキャラメルが出来てマディソンの前まで出て来たらびーっくり!!なんと静かだったのは実は座っているまま寝ちゃってたから、何てカワイイのーって急いでカメラを持って来て記念に写真をパチリ!そして、家に向かっていたパパにエリー達が吠えて起こしたくないから家に着いたらケータイにメールか電話してと連絡して、パパに座ったまま寝ているマディソンを見せる事に成功:)その後すぐに起きちゃったけどママとパパのベッドの上に移動したらまた眠っちゃいました!夜の9時半にやっとアップルパイが終了、それから1時間ちょっと休ませて10時40分頃にやっと味見をしたら...おいしくな〜い!!!!っと言うか味が全然な〜い!!あんなに苦労してこんな結果になる何てとても残念:(なのでコンテストには違うレシピを使うつもりなのでお楽しみに!
Yesterday I was testing out a pie recipe that I found on Food Network(Tyler Florence's Recipe) because on Nov. 8th we are having an annual Church Picnic after worship service and there will be a Pie Contest and of course I'm entering into it. But since I've never used this recipe before Dave suggested that I practice once and see how it comes out. Yes, we take competitions seriously:-) Last year we had a Cobbler contest and I made a Zucchini Cobbler that tasted like an Apple Cobbler and didn't do so well...(I think it tasted fine but since I didn't get to tell the judges that they are actually a Zucchini Cobbler I didn't get the "Creative Points" to win it all!) Anyways so we are hoping we can take the win this year... I can't reveal the name of the recipe to you because my competitors may be keeping up with Madison's life... Obviously not serious enough though since they are not her fans yet... Too bad I can't use another begging card until next year! Anyhow it was a long process because I made everything from scratch including the pie crust and I worked on it on and off all afternoon... I finished it about 9:30pm then it had to rest for at least an hour so we were really tired at about 10:40pm but tasted the pie and oh it was so DISAPPOINTING!! It looked so GORGEOUS! It's a shame we didn't snap a picture of it but very UN-FLAVORFUL!! The reviews for this recipe was that either you loved it or hated it so I was hoping we would love it of course but wow after all that work this is it!? Even the crust was very bland! Paula, here we come! We should have stuck with your pie recipe:-)
Wow I really went off with what I really wanted to tell you here... I guess I was really frustrated:-) so while making this disaster pie I had to make Caramel Sauce and if you have made Caramel Sauce before you know that you have to stand by the pot to constantly stir and make sure that the sauce doesn't turn too brown and burn... Unfortunately Madison woke up from her nap right before I was about to make a 3rd* (This was my first time making the Caramel Sauce so I didn't know that the sugar/water mixture needs to harden before it melts again before it starts to turn brown... So for the second try I mixed less and less heat applied but ended up with the same result... then I went online to read more reviews and noticed that one person wrote that the sugar mixture will crystallize before caramelizing... I was so relieved then got upset that I had to throw away perfectly fine pre-caramel mixture... But now I know how to make a Caramel Sauce:-) and final attempt to make the Caramel and was wanting to be held and not be plopped up on the couch so we played for a while then when she seemed happy I plopped her up on the couch with her toys and I could hear that she was talking to them as she chewed on them... I kept checking on her to make sure she was happy there but at one point I noticed that she got so quiet and no sound was coming out of the living room... I peeked and saw back of her head and she was where I left her so I thought she was watching TV(Turning the TV on is usually my last resort when I need to go do something and need something to occupy her...) Finally I got to reduce my Caramel Sauce to a good consistency and came back into the living room to find her sleeping while sitting up with her toys!!!!!! It was another new level of cuteness!!!!! I quickly grabbed my camera and snapped a few pictures then texted Dave who was heading home to either text me or call me when he is at the door... Let me tell you why I do that... It's because the Beans bark when someone is at the door and that's the only time they bark and I really wanted Dave to see Madison sitting up sleeping... and it worked! He texted me that he was at the door and I picked the Beans up(this helps calm them down) to get the door. Madison woke up soon after he got home but I quickly moved her to our bed and fell back asleep for another half hour or so:-)

After finishing typing up the blog I decided to take a picture of my Disaster Apple Pie:-)

She is tilting a bit but still sitting up and sleeping:)


  1. The first time I made caramel sauce, the same thing happened to me. I was supposed to put the sauce into a recipe (I think it was a chocolate caramel pie) and when I added the milk to the sugar, it was this big hard blob of sugar swimming in milk soup. I was SO mad because I didn't have all day to try again. But then I read a note in the cookbook that said that it will eventually incorporate, and it was right. I was just about the throw it out, so I'm glad I read that note!

    We do the same thing where we pick up the Nuts so that they won't bark and wake up Lily. The doorbell doesn't wake her up if she's napping, but the Nuts barking like mad does. So I put a note on the door when she's sleeping to call my cell before knocking so I can pick up the Nuts.

    Madison looks totally cute sitting there slipping!

  2. Yes! the door bell totally gets the Beans wild! That's why when Madison was born we had to ask our landlord to disconnect the door bell:-) When we know we are expecting a package or something we put a note on the door to please knock on our window... haha so funny!

  3. How adorable to see Madison sleeping while sitting up. She's such a good baby to just fall asleep like that when she's tired. Can't believe she's already cutting teeth and not complaining about it much either.
