Family Picture

Family Picture


かぼちゃのおばけ/Spooky Pumkinsかぼちゃのおばけ

Last night we curved the pumpkins we bought at Stew Leonard's this past weekend:-) We set up our curving station in the basement and printed out our designs and we got busy:-)

While we were attending our pumpkins Madison was occupying herself in her bouncer! We haven't been using the bouncer much ever since we swapped it with the swing upstairs but Madison knew what to do with the toys that are dangling and even better, now she can pull the cord on her own to play a music(Yes, it came with only one music... Just imagine one song playing over and over...all day...)

Daddy's Pumpkin!

Mommy's pumpkin!

Lastly, our spooky Halloween window display...


  1. Ooh, I like the spooky pumpkins!

    Isn't it funny when you stop using a toy for a while, and then you go back to it and your baby is like 100 times more coordinated with it than the last time she played with it? That's happened with us multiple times, and it's always fun to see how much they're growing and changing!

  2. Nice job on the pumpkins!! And nice job on driving your parents crazy, Madison ,as they listen to that same song over and over again.
