今日(木曜日)から4日間ぐらい天気がすごい悪い予定なのであんまり出かけられないと思うけど何かブログに書ける事を見つけられれば良いんだけど... 今、マディソンはお昼寝中でママはマディソンの横に座ってブログ中... つまらない!下に行って運動したいけど今大家さんがヒーターを直しているから行けないし、やだなー...だから南の方に引っ越したくなっちゃうんだよね。こっちの秋と冬は大嫌いです。
Starting today(Thursday) we are supposed to get hit with very cold/rain kind of depressing weather so we won't be going outside much but I will try my best to report you with anything interesting Madison did... but until then you are going to have to enjoy my whining about this weather as I sit by napping Madison and blog... So boring! I could go downstairs and do some exercise but our land lord is down there fixing our heater so I have to wait until he is gone... You see! this is why we HATE fall & winter here! We are so moving to South!
Maybe this will brighten your day if you are having similar sad weather...
I'm one of those weirdos who likes dreary weather. But Madison did brighten my day all the same! What a cutie pie!