So I made my first parenting boo boo today...Madison finally got to go for her two month vaccinations (she still has to go back for one more later this week that they were "out of," but she can start to be in larger groups now which is exciting) and she did great!! She screamed for a second and then she was done...she handled four needles going into you better than I would...I was very impressed. The doctor said in passing, "you are going to want to give her baby Tylenol for the pain. You can give her one dropper full because she is a big girl."
Allow me to pause here and fill you in on Madison's measurements...the doctor used the term "chubby" on more than one occasion, but Madison weighed in at 12 lbs (nearly double her birth weight) and is in the 50-75th percentile. Her height of 22 inches put her in the 25-50th percentile, so I guess that leads to the chubby description. Her head circumference was 39.5 cm in the 50-75th percentile...we are guessing that our nephew Carter set the top mark for head circumference so for those of you who knew Carter as a baby, Madison's head is about half that must be why Carter is so smart now :-)
ちょっと一休憩してマディソンの成長記録を... 一回以上ポッチャリしてるねと言われたんだけど体重は12パウンド*5443.1グラム(生まれた時の体重の約二倍)で、身長は22インチ*55.88センチ、頭の周囲は39.5センチでした。
Okay, back to my boo we are walking home from the doctor's and Madison is sleeping...we are headed down the sidewalk that leads to Rite Aid, but the sun is in Madison's eyes and I don't feel like flipping the bassinet around so I turn down a different street and get the sun out of her eyes...I thought it was a nice gesture, the only problem was it took me away from Rite Aid and I didn't feel like turning around so I came home without the Baby Tylenol...again this did not seem like a big deal because my precious baby was restfully sleeping. She slept for about an hour and I fed her and she went right back to sleep for a whole two and a half hours...I was thinking girl is tough she doesn't need any stinking pain medication...and that must have been when the numbness wore off because she screamed when I picked her up and she screamed when I put the pacifier in her mouth and she even screamed in between sips on her was like "yummy my bottle"..."OHHHH THE PAIN!!!"... "Yummy my bottle"... "OHHHHHH THE PAINNNNN!!!" And because we had those moments where she would almost close her eyes, I thought I was going to be able to weather the storm...I was wrong!! After a few failed attempts of rocking the pain away, we quickly packed up in our "B" stroller (not the Bugaboo) and made a kamikaze run through the rain to Rite Aid one block away. I had to go generic as apparently there was a run in Sunnyside on Infant's Tylenol and judging by its effects I think I see why...literally after two minutes of shooting the stuff in her mouth, she was knocked out...I'll save the wondering what they put in that for another day...right now it is time to try to get the ringing in my ears to stop. So that was it...I have learned to listen to my Pediatrician, but I also hope on some level I have toughened Madison up a bit so pretty much it was a win-win!!
最初の話に戻ると、お医者さんからの帰り道にマディソンが寝ちゃっていて薬局に行く道が日向だったからマディソンの顔に日が当たり過ぎないように道を変え て帰る事に...そのせいで薬局への方面には向かっていかずまた方角を変えるのも面倒くさかったのでそのまま家に帰る事に...その結果薬は買わないまま 家に...最初のうちは大丈夫そうで一時間ぐらいお昼寝した後ミルクをあげてまた二時間半とお昼ね...うまく言ってると思っていると痛みが返ってきたの かマディソンを持ち上げた時に泣き叫びが!ミルクを飲んでる合間にも泣き叫び!だっこして泣きやめるかなーと思っていてもやっぱり失敗!最後の手段で薬局 へ雨の中マディソンを連れてダッシュ!家に着くなり薬をあげると2分以内に寝ちゃいました。何がいったい入ってるんだろー?その話はまた今度:)耳鳴りが軽くなるまで待ちながらお医者さんの言う事は聞くべきだと思う僕。
He he he whose laughing at drugging up your baby now! :)
ReplyDeleteI have learned my lesson :-)
ReplyDeleteToo funny! And btw, her dress is adorable.