Family Picture

Family Picture


我が家の賢い子!/Our Smart Toddler!

誕生日会の次の日に早速貰ったおもちゃで遊んでいたマディソン... パパが一回使い方見せたのかな!? 一人でマイクに向かってマディソン語でしゃべっていたんです...っと言うか、唸ってるだけか:)一人で良い子に遊んでいたからそれだけで十分感動していたんだけど、ここまで出来るとは!さすが1っ才のマディソンは違うね!
It happened the day after Madison's birthday when she was playing with her new toys... I think Daddy showed her how to use it 0nly once but all of a sudden she was talking Madisonese (or just a noise in this case)through her microphone!! Just the fact that she was playing so good by herself impressed us enough but who would have thought she would be using the microphone in the proper way! Our toddler is already surprising us with her smarts!

For those that just can't get enough Madison;-)

Bonus Picture from Madison's 1 year check up on Tuesday...

1 comment:

  1. Lily liked the videos. She kept asking "What cousin Madison doing?"
