Family Picture

Family Picture


Failed B-D Lunch.../誕生日ランチ失敗...

Anna is being a little too hard on herself with this title as the lunch was still very yummy, it just wasn't exactly the way she planned. One of our favorite shows right now is "The Best Thing I Ever Ate" and the pizza episode mentioned a Yukon Gold Potato pizza at a place in the East Village called 5 Points Restaurant. So Anna made reservations for this afternoon to celebrate my birthday since I had the day off thanks to Dr. King, but due to the holiday they instead served a special brunch menu all day and the pizza was not one of the items...Anna was very was sweet. The Mac and Cheese(the best I've ever had) and Burger with fries(Pretty up there also) we shared turned out very yummy.
Where is my Yukon Gold Potato Pizza!?
Where are my puffs!?

On our walk from the restaurant to Anna's hair salon there was a lady with a teenage boy crossing the street in our direction. As they got closer I noticed that the lady looked a lot like Susan Sarandon even though she was all bundled up and then she asked the teenager something right by Anna and I and there was no mistaking that voice...we had just crossed paths with Susan the time I told Anna who was concentrating on Madison, or something like that...Ms. Sarandon was gone. It was still kind of cool.
レストラントからアンナの美容室へ向かっている途中に横断歩道で向こうから歩いて来る男の子とおばさんがいたんだけど、だんだん近づいて声を聞いた途端間 違いない!スーザンサランドンだ〜!マディソンを見ていたのか全然気づいてなかったアンナに言ったけど既に遅く、その2人はもう遥か遠くに...でもす ご〜い!

Soon to be seen in the major motion picture The Lovely Bones as well as the East Village

The rest of the day...three hours...was spent watching Mommy get her hair done... Since Mommy hadn't gotten her hair done in a year and a half and wanted to look nice for our up coming trip to the Disney World and today was her stylist's last day before she has to go back to Japan to work in her other hair salon for a month... She got to try Digital Perm to get a really nice natural soft curl in her hair which is really popular in Japan right now:-) well to be honest an hour of it was spent sleeping in a surprisingly comfy couch and some was spent walking to McDonalds for a hot chocolate...but the rest of the time was spent watching Mommy getting her fancy hairdo.

Almost done~!

It may be a bit hard to see but here is the bonus video of the day...


  1. ぎゃ〜!!


  2. うっそ〜〜!そう、ヨウコさん!たくさんこっちにある日本人美容院の中で一緒の美容院?しかも同じスタイリストなんて!!本当は土曜日に予約したかったんだけど空いてないって言われてだからデイブが休みの月曜日にしたのです:)揺るパーマ良いですね〜!何にもしなくて良いのに何時間もかけて、手入れしたみたい!もう少し行きやすい所にあれば良いんだけどね〜。

  3. That sounds like a yummy birthday lunch nonetheless. Anna, take a "finished" picture of your hair. It looks good in the one little picture, but it's kind of far away. I read this post last night, and then had a dream last night that you dyed your hair blonde. I'm glad it was just a dream because it didn't look very good! :)
