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ウィリアムズバーグのママグループ/Williamsburg SAHM Group

たった今、今年の目標を決めました、というのはマディソンのママとして今までよりももっと活発になる事。例えば、杏奈達の行く教会ではマディソンと同じ年 の赤ちゃんがいないから他の所で友達を見つけてあげなければいけなかったり、それよりも一番大事な日本語で遊べる環境を作る事。だから先週行った日本語の プレイグループが今年初めての活発行動の例かな。今日見つけて行ったグループはウィリアムズバーグの辺りに住んでいるママのためだから普通に英語を話すグ ループなんだす。明日行くつもりのグループは日本人のママだけだからとても楽しみだけど着くまで1時間ほどかかるのが問題。そのポストは明日のお楽し み...

I've just decided this should be my new year resolution. That is to become more active as a SAHM(Stay-At-Home-Mother)! Since Madison doesn't really have any baby friends at Church I have to find them elsewhere most importantly I really want her to interact with more Japanese speaking people. So I would say the play group Madison and I went to last Friday would be the first activity for us this year and today's SAHM group in Williamsburg(an English speaking group) will be our second:-) Tomorrow I have another group on the Upper West Side which is The Japanese Play Group For Infants and Toddlers, but I will write about it tomorrow...

この2つのグループは meetup.comっ ていうサイトで見つけたんだけど、まず探しているグループを見つけたらそこで入会みたいのをして、そのグループのリーダーから次の予定日の招待状が来た後 返事をするって方法だから、会った事無い人達だけどそのページでグループメンバーの写真を見たり、来るって言った人のプロファイルを見たりと安全性には心 配無さそう。日本人ママのグループがそんなに遠くになければ良いんだけど...でも外が暖かくなって来たらもっと近めの公園とかで集まれそう。
Anyhow I found these groups on and I think it's a great place to find all kinds of groups! Once you find a group you first have join the group and you would get invites for upcoming meetup to RSVP to and you can see who else is coming, how the previous meetup was rated, all the group members, etc, so even though I've never met these people I feel comfortable with the whole thing. I just wish the Japanese play group were not on the Upper West Side, a bit far to go!

There were 4 members including me which was almost a perfect number of people in Jeanene's basement play area where the kiddies got to play with lots of toys and the Moms got to visit and swap stories... Madison had Louis(1 yr) to play with while Alex(2 yrs) and Ella(2 yrs) got busy playing with each other. I guess Madison and Louis got along too well because all of a sudden he crawled up to Madison at one point and gave her a KISS!! Both Arlene(Louis's Mom) and I looked at each other in surprise... I was a bit nervous to tell Dave what happened... She is never gonna be allowed to play with boys! Anyways, after about an hour and a half Madison was getting really sleepy and fussy so we all started to get ready to go home. We will be looking forward to our next meetup:-)

I felt weird taking pictures of other kiddies so here is Madison crawling...
Jeanene's basement play area... Very nice condo in Williamsburg.

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