So I'm so excited to report that Madison and her cousin Kouki are getting along so well!! They didn't make a great first impression but that must not be very important and now they play with each other like they are BFF:-) They even share the same drinks.... Well that just means that Kouki sneaks a drink from Madison's water bottle though...;-) They like to chase each other around the house and Madison thinks it's just so hilarious and giggles up a storm! Madison can now go up the stairs all by herself so of course Madison and Kouki do that together and g-ma and g-pa are getting a really good exercise following them... I will be sure to get it on film soon.
On Saturday g-ma had to work because of parent-teacher conferences and Asuka got called in to work in the morning so when Madison and I woke up and came downstairs we found only g-pa reading a newspaper... It was just the three of us so we decided to go pick up lunch somewhere and go up, I mean drive up to the playground on top of a mountain to picnic... Well it has changed a lot since I last visited and we could not keep driving to the play area and tons of stairs to get to places thus not friendly for the bugaboo so we decided to settle with a park by the parking lot and had lunch there... They have a really long and fun rollie slide so Madison will be old enough to enjoy that the next time we are here with Daddy!
Sorry to go back a few days but on Thursday Madison and I took a bullet train to Matsumoto for some shopping with my friend, Mizue... We took a bullet train because it would only take us half an hour instead of an hour... Well, we paid $30 for the round trip and didn't get to sit down much because our European sized stroller was too big for the aisle or the seat! Boo!! So we only got to sit in a seat on the way to since the train ended at Matsumoto nice train officer told me that I could park the stroller on the side of a door that will not be needed for the last 3 stops but not on the way back... I hope that makes sense... Anyways, we got to Matsumoto and got lost at the beginning since they re-did the train station and totally looked great-different but were able to meet up with Mizue:-) I found Madison a cute backpack for her to use in a few months when she wants to put her toys and snacks to go to a park and a few super cute clothes from Olive des Olive, one of my favoritest clothing brands here... We had a great time catching up and we even got to see Mizue's new house that they just built and got to see her wedding video and her daughter, Kirari's album... Good times:-)
2、3日戻るけど、水曜日の日にマディソンと2人で新幹線に乗って松本まで行って来ました...新幹線は普通列車の2倍はするけど、半分の時間で松本に着けるからって決めたんだけどヨーロッパサイズのベビーカーは大きすぎて車両に入れませんでした。そこで働いていた切符の人が下諏訪の後はこっちのドア開かないからそこにベビーカーを停めてマディソンと座席に座れる事が出来て良かった。でも帰りはそうはいかなかったんだけどね...松本駅は改装したらしく覚えていたのと全然違ってはっきり言って迷っちゃいました。パルコで泉江と待ち合わせをした後マディソン用のカワイイ服探し!ティンカーベルと言うお店でマディソン用のリュックを買ったり、私の大好きなブランドの一つ、Olive des Oliveでとっても可愛い服を見つけて買い物終了。お昼を食べた後泉江の新築の家におじゃまして結婚式のビデオを見たりキラリちゃんのアルバムを見たり、時間があっという間に過ぎてもう茅野に帰る時間になっちゃいました。
On Wednesday Madison and I went back to O123 play area I mentioned before... I noticed in their calendar that they are offering hand/foot stamps that day so I asked about it and even though they told me it is only offered for the June birthday babies we got a special permission to get them... I didn't want Madison to put her paint-dirty fingers in her mouth before we got home so I decided to get her footprints... They turned out great!
I'm excited for you that you are getting to reconnect with all sorts of friends and that Madison is getting to play with her cousin and stuff. It sounds like it's a super fun trip. And isn't it weird when you go home and everything is different? Even if it's better, it's still weird that it's different!