Family Picture

Family Picture


松本へ行く…/Visiting Matsumoto...

今日はじいじが仕事を休めたので家族4人で松本まで買い物をしながら、ここ2週間とっても忙しくて会えなかったあすかおばちゃんの顔を見に行ってきました。松本に着いて最初の2時間はパルコで買い物をしながらおいしいクレープを食べたり楽しく過ごしてと~ってもおいしいお昼を食べた後じいじがあすかおばちゃんの働いている松本警察署まで行ってくれる事に…1時過ぎぐらいに駐車場に入ると、12時半頃までには捜査に行っているって言っていたあすかがちょうど居たから2秒ぐらい顔を見ることが出来ました…そして差し入れの買出しの後あすかのアパートに到着。あすかのアパートは前のアパートよりも断然大きくていい感じ、次に家族3人で泊まりに来るのが楽しみだなー! 帰りがけにさやかの夫の家族に会って忙しい火曜日は終了です…
Today we asked G-pa to take a day off so that all four of us can go visit Matsumoto for some shopping and possibly to fit in a short visit with Asuka who has been super busy for the last two weeks or so... Well we got a fun two hours of shopping at Parco and tried a yummy crepe at a Creperie and only got to see Asuka for a second when my parents took us to where she worked and not supposed to be there Asuka happened to be there and got to say hi really quick... We had her apartment's spare key so after lunch and a quick grocery shopping to fill up Asuka's fridge we arrived at her place... It was really nice and much bigger than her last place:) We waited for a while but since Madison could not get in a mood to take a nap and since Asuka was not looking like she will be off work anytime soon we decided to get on the road and head home... Madison got a nice nap in and we had a nice calm trip back which is always nice! What we finally got to do was to meet Sayaka's husband, Katsuhisa's family... They were really nice and hopefully him and Sayaka will be nice enough to plan something for all the families to get together;-)

Inside PARCO department store while g-ma and I shopped for more of Madison's clothes, g-pa got to play with Madison in play area right next to the kid's clothing store called Tinker Bell... The sales associate took Madison's picture since she was wearing one of Tinker Bell's tee so she will be found on their picture gallery soon:-)

In the basement of PARCO we found a creperie I saw in a magazine so we had to give it a try! They use this black batter that they are famous for and it was very tasty but it could have been a bit bigger!? Oh well we are in Japan after all...

このレストランの大ファンになっちゃいました!!名前なんだっけ!?山と大地となんとか!?もうとにかく美味しい!肉料理は2、3品ぐらいで後はほとんどが野菜とか豆腐料理なんだけど本当においしい:)今日は、3人大人がいたからみんなで交代でマディソンの面倒を見ながらゆっくり食べる事が出来ました... この小分けの9品乗せれるお皿が良いよね:)マディソンはデザートの豆腐ソフトをじいじとばあばに食べさせてもらって嬉しそうに食べてました...
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this restaurant!! It's a buffet restaurant but all the ingredients are either Organic or Natural and everything is totally fresh. There were probably 2 or 3 meat dishes but everything else is vegetables or tofu dishes so it's perfect for us:-) And everything is sooooo tasty! I love how they have plates with 9 small sections so you can try little bit of everything:-) Madison especially enjoyed her Tofu soft serve for her dessert, Yum!!

Above picture is either my mom's or dad's plate... and below is mine, you can see how I'm trying to fit more than I have the space for!

She also enjoyed playing with her straws:-)

Taking a break at Asuka's apartment... Madison says yummy tea:-)

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